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M 76 The Little Dumbbell

M 76 The Little Dumbbell

          Also known as the Cork, Butterfly, & Barbell Nebula

                 Equipment:        StarLight SXV-H9, Meade 12" GPS, Optec NextGen WideField 0.5X F/R

                    Filter:                 Astronomik Type II with IR block.

                    Binning:              2X2

                    Time:                  L 15X2 min, R 5X2 min, G 5X2 min, B 5X2 min, Total 60 min.

                    Date:                  Sept 3, 2005

                    Processed:          Taken with MaxIm DL, Aligned & processed with MaxIm DL, finished processing in PS 6. 

                    Magnitude          10.1

                    Distance             3,400 LY

                    Constellation       Perseus 


All Photo's taken by me are copy righted, if you would like to use any please ask for permission.  THANKS